Humanity. Brotherhood. Peace.

Saving a life is like saving the humanity as a whole! Hence, any service even to the size of a mustard seed given to a needy may make us better than the one who has accumulated so much wealth for nothing!

Aseer Mushakkal Kabeer!

This is Aseer Mushakkal (mixed fruit juice or cocktail, some say). This one of the things I take once in a while. The other is Aseer Afkadoo (which looks green and tastes better to me, because it’s more sweet because of the sugar ๐Ÿ™‚ , may be).Sometimes this is my breakfast, sometimes lunch, and sometimes dinner too. I buy this from Shawarman, one of the main Shawarma centres nearby. Just like their shawarma, they have juice also of different size and quantity. Small (sageer), medium, and big (kabeer). In this photo is the Mushakkal kabeer. It’s also tasty with many fruits mixed, they say. Guava taste cam be identified quickly, I hope. It is a Pakistani who is in the juice counter, named Muhammad Ashraf and he serves me this.I prefer Afkadoo mostly, but these days it is not available. Ashraf bhai says, take this for now. We shall give Afkadoo when it is available. I felt happy, just because of the love with which he serves the juice. Masha ALLAH!

life is beautiful

Abu Abdullah • October 5, 2014

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