Humanity. Brotherhood. Peace.

Saving a life is like saving the humanity as a whole! Hence, any service even to the size of a mustard seed given to a needy may make us better than the one who has accumulated so much wealth for nothing!

Patan's love for tea…

Syed once told one story. He told… Once in the heaven, an Angel was beating a man. On enquiring, it was understood that it was a Patan. You know why? It was because he mixed tea in the milk pond in heaven, Hawl-al-Kauthar!

Then only he told me about the Patan’s love for tea! They like tea that much!

Syed was saying, he is also like Patans. He likes to take tea anytime, even if you wake him up from sleep, he would be happy to have the tea and go back to bed! Eh!
syed jokes

Abu Abdullah • October 5, 2014

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