Humanity. Brotherhood. Peace.

Saving a life is like saving the humanity as a whole! Hence, any service even to the size of a mustard seed given to a needy may make us better than the one who has accumulated so much wealth for nothing!


As usual, Syed was in good mood yesterday. PSS project for Madinah is nearing completion and we have a demo to client users this Sunday, so he came to MDA office by Magrib and I also joined him by Isha paryer time.After spending some time on the demo scenarios sent us by the development and design teams, we went to have something from outside. My lunch with the Farhan Store Supermarket team was heavy and the hangover of the beef biriyani was not over yet. He also told that he had nice lunch. Still we wanted to have something before it is too late and hotels are closed.On the way to the search for hotel, I happened to see some Ad or so of Baskin Robins ice cream and I just remembered that this is among the brands I boycott. I explained that there may always be a reason for boycotting, rather if I feel like some brand is a multi national and is against the interest of common man, then I boycott.By the time I finished completing this, Syed Wa almost ready with his instant kick. He simply said, it is bad that you are always doing boycott, once in a while do girlcott also!Uh! I couldn’t really express anything other than just bursting out into laughter!He reminded me that what I wrote in an earlier post is wrong and I too agreed, because it is not just when the stomach is full that these instant shots come out of his mouth, rather it is like that always!May be, I was just thinking about his wife and especially daughter, Juwairiya. What fault did they make in this life to bear all his wits! (Just kidding)… Ha ha ha!

syed jokes

Abu Abdullah • September 20, 2014

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